Standard fields

There are several kinds of fields that are common to most contact forms, for example the visitor's name and email address. The [Standard fields] settings tell twzContact what name you will be using for these fields. You don't need to use these settings, but generally you should use the fName field OR both fFirstName and fLastName fields. Any field names you include here must be listed in the "Fields" section.

This section (if present) must appear AFTER the fields section.

The format of these settings is

keyword = field_name


The following keywords are recognised:

Keyword Purpose
fFirstNamename of the form field where visitor enters their first name
fLastNamename of the form field where visitor enters their last name
fNamename of the form field where visitor enters their full name
fEmailname of the form field where visitor enters their email address
fSubjectname of the form field where visitor enters or selects the subject of their query
fSendToname of the form field which indicates an alternative email address to send the details (see Email options)


[Standard fields]

fFirstName	=
fLastName	=
fName		= name
fEmail		= email
fSubject	=