Step by step

twzContact makes it easy to create a custom contact page on your web site. For a lightning-fast start, try out the sample form.php that comes with twzContact (see the installation page).

Here are some step-by-step instructions to get you started in building your own form from scratch:

1 Prepare | 2 Define the fields you want | 3 Field options | 4 Message options | 5 Email options | 6 The complete settings file | 7 Styling the form | 8 Putting the form on a web page | 9 Testing the form

1 Prepare

Start by thinking about what information you want from your visitors, and sketch how it will look on paper:

The most important thing is what fields you want on the form. In the above example, there are 6 fields, called:

Once you know basically how you want the form to look, you can start building it.

2 Define the fields you want

For more information, see Fields and Field types

We can now start building the settings file, starting with the [Fields] section. The settings file is a plain text file, usually called twzContact.ini. Open Notepad (or any other text editor), and type – or copy and paste – the following:

your name     = text
email address = text
phone         = text
enquiry about = select
comments      = textarea
reply by      = radio

The [Fields] section is just a list of the fields you want, in the same order they should appear on the form. Next to each field name is what type of field it is. You can add extra spaces before and after the equals sign ( = ) to make the list easier to read.

Next we will specify the style (CSS) class to be used for each field, and whether it is a required input. We'll use a CSS class called widebox to make all fields the same width. We also want the name and comments fields to be mandatory (required). We now have:

your name     = text, widebox, 1

email address = text, widebox
phone         = text, widebox
enquiry about = select, widebox
comments      = textarea, widebox, 1
reply by      = radio

We will define the widebox style later.

3 Field options

For more information, see Field options

We also need to say what options should be in the drop-down list (enquiry about field) and radio buttons (reply by field). This is done with a [Field Options] section.

Beneath the [Fields] section, add the following:

[Field options]
enquiry about = web site, products, geese generally
reply by      = email, phone

You can add an empty item to the select list by adding just a comma before the first real option. And you can pre-select an option by adding an asterisk or star ( * ) to the option, for example:

[Field options]
enquiry about = , web site, products, geese generally
reply by      = email*, phone

4 Message options

For more information, see Message options

What message do you want the visitor to see after they submit the form? And if they miss out a mandatory field, we need some kind of error message. For these we can add a [Message Options] section to the settings file:

[Message Options]
MsgThanks     = Thanks - your message was successfully received.
MsgMissing    = Please check the form - the following fields had a problem:

You don't have to include this section; if you don't, default messages will be used.

5 Email options

For more information, see Email options

We also need to tell twzContact where to email the message after the visitor has successfully submitted it.

Set the ToAddress to your own email address.

[Email Options]
ToAddress     =
FromAddress   =
Subject       = Message from your web site

6 The complete settings file

Here is the complete settings file for our sample form:

your name     = text, widebox, 1
email address = text, widebox
phone         = text, widebox
enquiry about = select, widebox
comments      = textarea, widebox, 1
reply by      = radio

[Field options]
enquiry about = , web site, products, geese generally
reply by      = email*, phone

[Message Options]
MsgThanks     = Thanks - your message was successfully received.
MsgMissing    = Please check the form - the following fields had a problem:

[Email Options]
ToAddress     =
FromAddress   =
Subject       = Message from your web site

This gives twzContact all the information it needs to create the contact form, and send an email to you on successful submission.

7 Styling the form

For more information, see CSS styles

Styles can be either included in the web page containing the contact form, or in a separate .css file. In our example, we'll use a separate file called form.css. You can create this file with any text editor such as Notepad.

.widebox { width:250px; }

label.required { font-weight:bold; }
.missing { background-color:#ffa; }

.postOK { color:#8d8; margin-bottom:10px; }
.postError { color:#b40; margin-bottom:10px; }

Earlier, we specified that text boxes on the form will use a CSS class called widebox. In the CSS above, we've defined this to be 250 pixels wide. We've also used several of the classes built into twzContact, specifically:

- mandatory fields will be displayed in bold (the Name and Comments fields in our example)
- if the visitor doesn't type anything in a required field, it will be highlighted in yellow
- the thank you message will be green, with some space below it
- error messages (eg for missing fields) will be orange, also with some space below it

8 Putting the form on a web page

For more information, see Include text

This is the final step that brings it all together. Create an HTML file in your favourite editor (a text editor such as Notepad can be used). In most cases, you must name the file with a .php extension, for example contact.php, and NOT contact.htm or contact.html.

  <title>Contact us</title>
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="form.css" type="text/css" />

  <h2>Contact Us</h2>
  Please complete the following form to contact us
  <?php define('INI_FILE', 'twzContact.ini'); require_once('twzContact.php'); ?>


The most important part is shown in bold above. The define part tells twzContact where to find the settings file, and the require_once part inserts the contact form. This web page can be as complex as you like, and contain more than just the contact form, but we have simplified it for this example.

9 Testing the form

To test your form, upload the files to your server, and browse to the contact.php page. The minimum files you should upload for this example are:

For testing your CSS styles locally without PHP, see the tips at Include text